What is DecksterJS?
DecksterJS is a jQuery plugin that uses gridster.js under the hood to allow a user to quickly bootstrap interactive dashboards.
Think of Deckster as a deck of cards. The deck is the dashboard and the widgets on the dashboard are the cards. Just like a deck of cards you can shuffle the cards around in the deck by dragging or resizing them.
Goals of DecksterJS:
- Allow users to quickly build dashboards in any application with Frameworks like AngularJS, EmberJS, or BackboneJS, to Give users the ability to drill down from a summary view of the data to a detailed view.
- Provide users with prepackaged plugins for data visualizations that will reduce development time.
For an example of an AngularJS implantation visit Angular Example
Coming soon...
To view the plugin methods checkout the documentation generated from the source code